The first thread can be found here.
spookycube is waiting for deletion. His full profile. Also, his most highly-rated piece of art. And a review.
Hmmm... another PM spammer is here. Ninaahmed760. Here are some more PM inboxes, including one featuring me! 1 2 3
SubliminalVirus is a user I really liked. Too bad she's gone. But, even so, I have this review and her submission for Illuminatimas. Here is a forum post.
Krank mysteriously disappeared. This is how you write a review! But this might not be...
I love sleuthing around and finding deleted users. Speaking of love, here is I-Love-Caitlyn. And a review, of course.
Through some thread snooping, I have found Kagoe, in her final post. A review. It is fun to find pre-2012 users, because I can often get pre-redesign images. And reviews. I don't normally keep these, but I wanted at least one from pre-redesign.
Remember all of those old thread spammer bots? I thought I got most of them. But I seemed to have missed kiarasky651.
Murphyc was another spammer I missed.
I had completely let the second fieldertiger impersonator slip by. Not anymore. Note: This was after he deleted his account, so this is almost certainly fieldertiqer.
How have I missed so many spammers like belldiedra?
SentForMe is gone, for a reason unbeknownst to me. Looking through his reviews, they seemed to only be critical. Like this one, for example.
And this is another spammer, lustfulillumination. Thanks to @Bit and @someaveragechap for finding this.
Here is a guy called TechnicTrauma. Of course, we need a review. Thank you to @poopmcfarts for this one.
Here is Cabbster (before 2012) and Cabbster (after 2012.) And one of his reviews. Thank you to @mysticvortex13 for alerting me.
You are doing god's work!
How are you?
I'm well! You?